Salendine Nook High School participated in The Diana Award Social Action Accelerator Project, alongside the twelve-week Mentoring Programme. As their social action project, their students organised a football tournament, raising over £350 for their PE department.

From March – July 2024, Salendine Nook High school was one of the first few schools to take part in The Diana Award’s Social Action Accelerator Project. Running alongside the twelve-week Mentoring Programme and taking place once per month over five months, it was an opportunity for students at Salendine Nook to continue developing on their social action skills, whilst being supported by volunteer mentors and The Diana Award staff.  

What was the social action project?

A group of students at Salendine Nook High School wanted to work together to raise funds to buy sports and PE equipment for their school. To do this, they decided to run a football tournament, where they would raise finds from ticket sales and organising a tuck shop. They also wanted to share this message with the school: “if you want to achieve something or make something better, you have to put the hard work in to achieve this.”

How did the Mentoring Social Action Accelerator Project support this project?

The group of students worked as a team to kick off their project, with the support of their mentors during online meetings half-way through the project. They also had support from The Diana Award team and teachers, who guided them through the different stages of organising the tournament.  

The students also had the opportunity to liaise with various stakeholders to ensure the tournament was a success, including:  

  • SLT: to gain permission for the tournament to take place and discuss what equipment would be best to buy for the school with the money raised.  
  • Students across the school: to organise who would take part in the tournament.
  • The PE department: to arrange the equipment needed for the tournament.  
  • School staff: to ensure the crowd was managed on the day and there was a first-aider on the field.
The Diana Award staff supporting a mentoring session
The Diana Award staff supporting a mentoring session

What was the outcome of the project?

Over 200 students from Salendine Nook High School participated in the tournament, raising £391 from ticket sales and the tuck shop. This huge success is a testament to the organising, teamwork and hard work from the students.  

The mentors and school staff also played a huge role in supporting the group with project management and showing them how to plan, delegate and support each other.

Due to the success of the tournament, SLT at Salendine Nook High School have decided to make it a yearly event, benefitting students now and in the future. They are hoping to elevate the tournament next time with a bigger tuck shop, professional tickets and a big ceremony for the winners.