To reward our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for their hard work, they can earn up to three badges.
These badges demonstrate a school’s commitment to anti-bullying and should be worn with pride. Take a look below to see what the three badges are and what you have to do to earn them.
Any anti-bullying campaigns that champion diversity and inclusion or promote equal rights for any of the nine protected characteristics.
Any anti-bullying events or initiatives that encourage positive wellbeing and kindness in your school community, including by strengthening peer support systems in your school.
Any events or initiatives that involve your wider school community in your anti-bullying work.
Ready to submit your evidence? Remember:
You can find out more in the FAQs below.
If you prefer, you can download the evidence submission form. Both forms will ask you for the same information.
You need to complete five actions towards one badge and submit a completed evidence submission form. For example, if you choose to work towards the Inclusion Badge first, you must plan, deliver and submit evidence for five actions addressing equality and diversity related to the protected characteristics. We encourage you to include one action that is long-term, such as setting up a Pride group that runs weekly. If you are working towards your first badge, you will also need to complete the Anti-Bullying Ambassador First Badge Survey and the Educator First Badge Survey before you can earn the badge.
It is completely up to you. One badge might stand out to you because it is something that you and your team are particularly passionate about. We recommend organising a whole school survey to ask your peers about their experiences of bullying behaviour. This can help you to identify any specific issues in your school community and decide which badge should be your priority.
We suggest you focus on each badge for at least 3 months. Consider long-term actions such as setting up an ongoing lunchtime support session or a culture committee. Some schools will spend a whole academic year focusing on the campaign to ensure it is sustainable and to maximise its positive impact.
We recommend working towards one badge at a time. You will earn your badges as a team so every member of your team should be involved and helping to run your campaigns rather than splitting into sub-groups to work on different badges.
For each badge you need to show evidence that you have completed 5 actions.
Your evidence could include photos, videos, testimonials, survey results, or things you’ve created as part of your anti-bullying campaign, like posters, presentation slides or blog posts. It’s up to you how you want to showcase your work! You can also use additional training from The Diana Award that you have attended, for a total of one action.
You may have done significant pieces of work in the past that will contribute towards your badges. We ask that only work that has been completed by the current Anti-Bullying Ambassador team is submitted (as opposed to work carried out by previous Ambassadors). This can include work the current team have done to build upon or maintain the work of previous Ambassadors.
First of all, we recommend that you attend a catch-up call with our Anti-Bullying team to chat about your actions. When you feel confident and ready to submit, you can use our new online evidence submission form to compile all your information. This walks you through the process step by step and is perfect to complete with your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
To complete the online evidence submission form, you’ll need some basic details like your school’s address, the name of your school’s anti-bullying lead, and their email address. You won't be able to save your progress as you go, so we recommend you type out your answers in a separate document first before copying and pasting into this form. For each action, we’ll ask you to explain:
Alternatively, feel free to download and complete the evidence submission form below. You’ll then send your completed form to
If your files are too big to attach, please send them to us via Remember to include your school name in the message.
Base-level Anti-Bullying Ambassador actions, such as team meetings, will not be counted as an action towards the badges. This is because the actions should be specifically focused on the topic of the badge.
For example, if you are using an assembly as an action for the Inclusion Badge, it could be specifically focused on Black History Month. If you are using a team meeting as an action for the Wellbeing Badge, it could be a meeting with an external professional to discuss mental health.
Once we have received your form and confirm that you have successfully earned your badge, we will send you your shiny new badges which you can wear on your school uniform - these badges should be worn with pride! We will also be happy to provide you with a graphic for your school website so you can show everyone that your school is dedicated to anti-bullying work. Why not ask your school to do a social media post or feature your success in your school newsletter too?
If you’ve earned all your badges, congratulations! This is a very impressive achievement that shows your dedication to anti-bullying work. Your focus will now be on making sure you sustain the impact of your hard work. Survey your school community and get their feedback on your anti-bullying work so that you can create an action plan to further improve your work. And remember, badges are earned by each individual student for their hard work, so if you have newly-trained Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, they can work towards a badge that other students have already received!
Have you explored all the programmes at The Diana Award? Check out our website to learn more about how we empower young people to change the world through Mentoring, Changemakers, The Diana Award, and more!
We decided to update our badges after hearing feedback from educators, young people and our Anti-Bullying team.
The Respect badge has become the Inclusion badge, and the Community Action badge has become the Community badge! With these changes, we hope to clarify the area within anti-bullying work that each badge represents.
We're saying goodbye to the Online Safety badge. We think it’s really important to address online safety within all anti-bullying work, so we hope this change encourages you to include actions that focus on both offline and online safety throughout your work for the Wellbeing, Inclusion and Community badges (and beyond!).
Please don’t worry! During this transitional period, you can continue working towards the Online Safety badge and we will honour any successful submissions, so you’ll still receive the physical badge in the post.
If you’re already working towards the Respect or Community Action badges, please continue! We are changing the titles of these badges to clarify the area of anti-bullying work they cover, but otherwise all will remain the same. When you come to submit your evidence for these, please input the new badge title - the Respect badge is now the Inclusion badge, and the Community Action badge is now the Community badge!