August 22, 2019


CEO of The Diana Award and teen Diana Award legacy award holder celebrated as ‘Best of British’ on BA 100 list

Tessy Ojo and Jonathan Bryan have been recognised by British Airways as the best British talents.

Tessy Ojo, Chief Executive of The Diana Award – a charity legacy to Diana, Princess of Wales’ belief in the power that young people have to change the world – and Jonathan Bryan a Diana Award Legacy recipient have been chosen by British Airways to be two of 100 people that represent the best talent Britain has created.

The BA 100 list has been created to celebrate British Airways’ 100th Birthday by showcasing 100 of the most influential Britons, including people from film and entertainment, science and technology, business, art and design, music, sport, environment, fashion, food and drink and philanthropy.

Tessy is a passionate humanitarian and campaigner who has gained international reputation for advocating and nurturing change for young people. At the heart of her work is the belief that with the right support and investment, young people are the best instigators for achieving real, sustainable change in their lives, their communities and the lives of their peers.

“I am thrilled and honoured to be chosen by British Airways for their BA 100 list.  It is especially poignant to receive this as we celebrate The Diana Award’s 20th anniversary year. I feel privileged to lead The Diana Award which empowers young people through youth social action; giving them the tools, skills and a voice to create change.”

Tessy Ojo, Chief Executive of The Diana Award

When Jonathan learnt to communicate with his eyes at age nine, it gave him a voice he didn’t have before. Jonathan communicates via a spelling board and campaigns tirelessly to change the way students with complex disabilities are educated, founding a charity Teach Us Too, and writing his own book ‘Eye Can Write’. This inspirational work saw him receive The Diana Award, in memory of Princess Diana, from the charity of the same name.

“Being chosen by British Airways to be included in their BA 100 list came as a complete shock – I felt honoured to be a part of it. Having my work acknowledged has given me even more strength to fight for the rights of people like myself to be able to have access to a literacy education, giving them all a better quality of life.”

Jonathan Bryan, Diana Award Legacy recipient

There are 10 categories that make up the list of 100 names, including film and entertainment, science and technology, business, art and design, music, sport, environment, fashion, food and drink and philanthropy. The criteria and professions for each category vary, but everyone on the list possess one or more of these characteristics: pioneering, open minded, creative and welcoming.

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25 years ago The Diana Award was founded on the belief that young people have the power to change the world.